785 Farmington Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06119
Phone: 860-523-4100
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est. 1990
Important COVID-19 vaccine information
November 4, 2021
Dear Families of West Hartford Pediatrics:
It is with heartfelt hope and excitement that we write to you regarding the announcement that your children, ages 5 and up, are now eligible for the Covid19 vaccine. This newest opportunity to protect our younger children from this life threatening illness enjoys the endorsement of The Centers For Disease Control (CDC) and the approval of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Please know that we encourage you to vaccinate your children— just as, hopefully you, too, have received the vaccine!
There are many resources to read which will offer support and reassurance: the Covid19 vaccine for younger children, ages 5-11 years, is 1/3 the adult dose, is highly effective, and has a low risk for side effects. Please do read the accompanying articles for additional information.
While we are pursuing the steps to enable us to administer the vaccine at our office, this process will take some time; the vaccine is available at many locations right now— and we do hope that you will register at one of these sites to have your children vaccinated.
Please do let us know if you have any questions or concerns. This is a remarkable opportunity to protect our children, our families, and our community.
With warmest regards,
Tom, Lauren, Jennifer, Ritu, Elayna, and the entire staff at West Hartford Pediatrics
Dear Families of West Hartford Pediatrics:
It is with great excitement and hope that I write to you about the Pfizer Covid19 vaccine— as it has now been granted approval by the Federal Government to be given to adolescents ages 12 years and older. This is a truly remarkable moment— an opportunity that we could not have imagined just a year ago. We at West Hartford Pediatrics urge you to have your children vaccinated against Covid19!
The pace of this scientific progress has been similarly remarkable; please do not let the speedy development of this vaccine diminish your confidence in it. It is safe, and very, very effective— as in 100% effective when given to young adults ages 12-15 years! Please read this statement from The American Academy of Pediatrics which summarizes the profound protection provided by this vaccine— and the recognition of its safety.
By vaccinating our children, attending school will be infinitely safer; and an adolescent’s immunity will ensure that they will not pass the virus to grown ups, especially older adults, who are at risk for severe, potentially fatal illness.
Many school systems —- such as the West Hartford Public Schools— are partnering with local health departments to provide vaccination appointments for your children.
West Hartford Public Schools and the West Hartford/Bloomfield Heath District have arranged for vaccination appointments at UConn Health Center in Farmington. These clinic appointments are on May 17 and May 18 from 3PM to 7PM— for WHPS students ages 12 and up. Call the UConn registration line to schedule and appointment: (860). 679 - 5589.
Please be alert regarding arrangements that your local school system is making to facilitate your child being vaccinated.
As it is not currently clear if or when we our office will be administering the Covid19 vaccine, we encourage you not to wait: have your child or children vaccinated as soon as you can. Life changing….potentially life saving!
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Spring is now upon us! The winter months have been so challenging— many of our children (and grown ups) experiencing significant emotional consequences. We are here for you to help your child find a path for healing and happiness and fulfillment. And so… do get outside as much as you can: fresh air, exercise, being with friends and family—- all made so much safer by being vaccinated.
With warmest regards to you all,
Tom Fromson, Lauren Kopyt, Ritu Meda, Jennifer Wilner, Zak Kahn, Elayna Kaye, Laura Caneira and all of our wonderful and caring staff at West Hartford Pediatrics